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First, please think about this for a moment:

Ever wonder where the time goes

Here’s how the typical American worker spends their whole week, on average:
• 56 hours a week sleeping
• 5 hours a week getting ready to go to work
• 10 hours a week driving to work
• 49 hours a week working (the national average for salaried employees)
• 5 hours a week eating lunch, on a workday

This leaves us 43 awake hours for our personal life out of the 168 hours per week, which includes weekends.  And that’s if our boss doesn’t make us work overtime!

With this 43 hours, we still have to get the car repaired, get the car washed, go to the bank, buy food, wash and iron clothes, and so on.  Some of this time too is spent on preparing for work.  But if we don’t count the extra stuff, and if we don’t count the hours for sleeping, and if we don’t count the overtime:

We are spending 60% of our adult life working!
So, you can see why it is so important to figure out how you are going to make a living.

You need to investigate all the ways to get a paycheck!
If you were going to buy a new car, you would consider many options.  You would look at all various brands and their latest models.  You would look at all the standard features and all the extra available options and colors.  Your choice would be something personalized to fit your lifestyle.

Shouldn’t you be making the same kinds of trade-offs with your career?  Shouldn’t you find out if there is a better path for you to follow?

Of course you should?   You are spending 60% of your waking adult life there.

Look at what other Americans are doing:
• 136,000,000 workers make up the American Workforce.
• 2,500,000 of these are Temps working through job agencies.
• 13,000,000 workers are Independent Contractors and Consultants.
• 30,000,000 more workers are running their own small businesses.

Do you realize what this means?

11% of the American Workforce is already working as Temps, Contractors, and Consultants
In addition, 22% are already running their own small businesses.  So, in total:

33% of America is already doing non-Corporate work

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How would you like your career to undergo a dramatic change like this?
• Make almost double your pay, for doing the same exact work.
• Get paid for every single minute of work.  No more free overtime.
• Network with thousands of great people, at hundreds of corporations.
• Get recognized for your dedication, hard work, skill-set, and opinions.
• Learn more.  Constantly be exposed to new techniques and technologies.
• Enjoy your work for a change.  Have a wider variety of job assignments.

After reading and applying the techniques in this book,
you’ll be experiencing all these things in a few weeks!

After you get started, you can advance further at your own pace.  This book will show you how to
• Get hired as a company and keep 25% more pf your pay away from taxes.
• Work out of a home office.  Have a family and watch your kids grow up!
• Tap the power of the Internet and get yourself and your skills known, and out there!

So, can you imagine getting all of this out of reading one book?

Imagine this book, for only $23.95 that will, most likely, increase your income
anywhere from 150% to 250%, PER YEAR, starting in just a few weeks from now.

This one book is worth $$$ Thousands of Dollars $$$ to you, PER YEAR, for the rest of your
working life!

Not to mention all the other, much more valuable perks: wider variety of job assignments, more learning, respect for your knowledge, job-satisfaction, networking with thousands of industry contacts, and much, much more.

All you have to do is follow the steps in the book.  It starts working right away!  Then later, at your leisure, and after you see the system working, you can move up o Stage 2, where you set up your own company and keep about 25% more away from taxes, PER YEAR!  That’s a whopping amount!  Do the math.  You would be paying only 15% in taxes, roughly.

Then finally, in the Stage 3 of this step-by-step plan, once you establish a huge network of industry contacts and they all start calling you and giving you work, you then become a full-fledged Consultant. In this stage, you will become independent of job agencies, and therefore, are able to raise your hourly rate further.  Here you can give yourself an additional 30% raise, the amount agencies were making off of you.  The raise is on top of all the other raises ad tax savings already mentioned!

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This book has a 5-STAR rating from its readers on Amazon:

“I looked all over the web and in dozens of book stores for a “How To” book concerning technical contracting.  Jimmy’s book might as well be the only book on this subject.  I have recycled every other book I have purchased on this subject.  I am writing this endorsement after purchasing my 5th copy of this book.  I can never get my old copies back after loaning them out to other engineering contractors.”
            -Charlie Cote, Barncat Inc., Engineering Services

“One of the few books I have read cover to cover.  This informative, highly motivational book accomplishes just what the book title says.”
            -Young Lee, Electronic Design Engineer

Moore has a distinctive attitude toward consultants – people with a Nobel Cause, who bring optimism, enthusiasm, good ideas, and expertise with them, wherever they go.”
            -Tenny Chang, Designer & Artist

“After reading this book, I promptly tossed a bookshelf full of other so-called “how-to” consulting books into the recycling bin.”
            -Peter Roberts, Editor ad Writer, GoldTree Press

“Not only is the pay good, the variety of work is fantastic!”

He wants to share this excitement with others, especially with people that are bored-stiff, stuck in a dead-end career path, or tired of the corporate bull. His down-to-earth style makes these employment and tax saving concepts easy to understand and comfortable to adopt as your own.