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Is there any other book on the market that can make a claim like this?  A claim that you will be getting several huge raises by reading a single book?  And, on top of that, you do not have to change fields or learn any new job-related skills?  No there isn’t.  This book is very unique!  It took 7 years to write it, test it, make it safe, and make it easier to understand than any other books on Temp, Contract, and Consulting work.  And it covers all 3 subjects in one book.

Workers in Technical and Professional fields are already applying the techniques in this book.  This includes occupations in the following:  Accounting, Administration, Business Management, Clerical, Computer, Engineering, Graphic Arts, Human Resources, Information Systems, Internet, Legal, Manufacturing, Marketing, Medical, Media, Publishing, Sales, Teaching, Technical, Scientific, and Writing, to name a few.

This book has a 5-STAR rating from its readers on Amazon:

  • "I looked all over the web and in dozens of book stores for a “How To” book concerning technical contracting.  Jimmy’s book might as well be the only book on this subject.  I have recycled every other book I have purchased on this subject.  I am writing this endorsement after purchasing my 5th copy of this book.  I can never get my old copies back after loaning them out to other engineering contractors.”
                -Charlie Cote, Barncat Inc., Engineering Services

  • “One of the few books I have read cover to cover.  This informative, highly motivational book accomplishes just what the book title says.”
                -Young Lee, Electronic Design Engineer

  • Moore has a distinctive attitude toward consultants – people with a Nobel Cause, who bring optimism, enthusiasm, good ideas, and expertise with them, wherever they go.”
                -Tenny Chang, Designer & Artist

  • “After reading this book, I promptly tossed a bookshelf full of other so-called “how-to” consulting books into the recycling bin.”
                -Peter Roberts, Editor ad Writer, GoldTree Press


About the Author:

Jimmy Moore has 27 years of experience as a Temp, Contractor, and Consultant for 87+ client companies in the Los Angeles area, as an Engineering Design Consultant for his own company Explore Electronics Inc.

Jimmy shares his insight into starting and promoting a business, forming industry relationships, and self-motivation.  Jimmy was so amazed at how easy it was to get double, or even triple, the pay for doing the same kind of work.

“Not only is the pay good, the variety of work is fantastic!”           

He wants to share this excitement with others, especially with people that are bored-stiff, stuck in a dead-end career path, or tired of the corporate bull.

His down-to-earth style makes these employment and tax saving concepts easy to understand and comfortable to adopt as your own.


Is there any other book on the market that can make a claim like this?  A claim that you will be getting several huge raises by reading a single book?  And, on top of that, you do not have to change fields or learn any new job-related skills?  No there isn’t.  This book is very unique!  It took 7 years to write it, test it, make it safe, and make it easier to understand than any other books on Temp, Contract, and Consulting work.  And it covers all 3 subjects in one book.

Workers in Technical and Professional fields are already applying the techniques in this book.  This includes occupations in the following:  Accounting, Administration, Business Management, Clerical, Computer, Engineering, Graphic Arts, Human Resources, Information Systems, Internet, Legal, Manufacturing, Marketing, Medical, Media, Publishing, Sales, Teaching, Technical, Scientific, and Writing, to name a few.